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What to Know about Crown Sensitivity

Crowns enhance a tooth’s function, but they can also come with sensitivity. Patients may encounter sensitivity after getting a crown and wonder how long it lasts and if they should be concerned. It’s important to know that you are not alone, and that what you are experiencing is somewhat common for patients who have the procedure. Discover below what to know about crown sensitivity and how to alleviate and manage discomfort.

Why is My Tooth Sensitive After a Crown?

Crowns are intended to restore damaged teeth as well as to strengthen and protect the
weakened tooth underneath. A crown is indicated for a tooth that more often than not has had
large restorations or cracks, and preparing a tooth for a crown requires removal of structure to
make room for a crown to be placed. Restorations, damage to teeth and preparation for a crown
are sources of trauma to the tooth and the nerve within, which is very sensitive to hot and cold
temperatures. As a result, the nerve has a greater chance of being sensitive when a crown is
placed on a tooth.

Crown Adjustments

Sometimes, your crown may need to be adjusted to fit perfectly. Occasionally, a crown may be a bit “high,” meaning the bite is not quite right. This can bring about sensitivity when eating, drinking or chewing. After an adjustment, sensitivity should eventually go away, but it is always important to remember that sensitivity can be a part of the healing process.

How Long Does Tooth Sensitivity After a Crown Last?

The duration of tooth sensitivity after a crown depends on each patient. Some may only
experience sensitivity for a few days, while others may take a few weeks to heal. If you feel that
your sensitivity is not getting better or has gotten worse, contact your dentist for an evaluation.

How Can I Alleviate Sensitivity After a Crown?

Sensitivity after a crown can be uncomfortable, but luckily, there are ways to manage or
minimize it. Below are just some tips to help alleviate sensitivity after a crown has been placed.
● Avoid extreme hot or cold temperatures.
● Avoid hard, crunchy or excessively chewy foods
● Use sensitive toothpaste like Sensodyne.
● Continue to practice good oral hygiene.
● Contact your dentist.

Seek Professional Advice from Our Dentists at Lindner Dental

Are you still trying to determine if your crown is just temporarily sensitive or if other issues are occurring? Our team at Lindner Dental is here to help! Sensitivity after a crown placement can be normal, but typically not if it occurs months after. If your crown is damaged or loose, or you are experiencing lingering pain and discomfort, do not hesitate to contact our office at 603-624-3900.