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How Often Should Kids Get Dental X-Rays?

A common question that parents often ask is how frequently their children need dental X-rays. Here at Lindner Dental, we recommend that children receive X-rays once per year. This can vary depending on specific factors for your child. The American Dental Association recommends that children receive X-rays every 12–24 months if they are between the ages of one and five, and every 12–36 months if they are between the ages of six and 12. However, the frequency of x-rays depends on several factors, including the child’s age, oral health, and risk for disease:

High-risk status:
Children with a history of cavities, signs of plaque or tartar build-up, or other caries risk factors should have x-rays every 6–12 months.

Healthy dental exams:
Children and teens who have healthy dental exams may have x-rays less frequently.

Panoramic x-rays:
Panoramic x-rays, which show all teeth and the jaw, may be necessary every three to five years.

Why Do Children Need Dental X-Rays?

X-rays are a helpful diagnostic tool, especially for children. Children experience a large transitionary period where their first set of teeth erupt through the gum line and are later replaced by their adult teeth. X-rays can help ensure that a child’s oral development is progressing as it should be. There are also some issues that might increase the need for dental X-rays for kids. They include:
● Dental Cavities
● Periodontal disease
● Loose adult teeth
● Dental trauma
● Crowded teeth
● Toothaches
● Tooth development issues
● Tumors or cysts
● Dental abscesses
● Misaligned teeth
● Extra teeth

Are Dental X-Rays Safe For Kids?

Dental X-rays are a safe and painless procedure. Images of their mouth, jaw, bones, and teeth
will be captured and developed digitally for your pediatric dentist to observe. As a parent, you
may have some concerns regarding the fact that dental X-Rays use radiation. However, not only
is the amount of radiation safe, it is a fraction of the amount used to scan broken bones.
Regardless of why your child needs X-rays, you can rest assured that your child is in good
hands. Lindner Dental Associates strives to keep your child comfortable during the entire
procedure. Learn more about our pediatric dental services and schedule your child’s checkup
with us today.

Types of X-Rays Your Child May Need

There are several types of X-rays available for your child during their pediatric dental
appointment. Every kind of dental X-ray is intended to diagnose problems on that side of the
mouth where it can not be seen with the naked eye. Below are the different types of X-rays we
offer at Lindner Dental Associates to ensure your child’s oral health is in check.

Pediatric Bitewing X-Rays

Bitewings are among the most common X-rays pediatric dentists will perform on your child.
These X-rays are given yearly to diagnose any potential cavities in the back molars. These X-
rays are done on each side of the mouth and can show misalignment that may be in the back of
the molars. Allowing your child to have pediatric bitewings at their checkup will ensure their
teeth can be seen and are free of any tooth decay or misalignment that cannot be seen with the
naked eye.

Pediatric Panoramic X-Rays

A panoramic X-ray is a digital image of your child’s entire mouth. These X-rays are given less
regularly but are one of the most effective ways to see the entire mouth. A panoramic X-ray
machine will capture the whole mouth in just a single image. This includes their upper and lower
jaws, teeth, and all the surrounding structures. This will give your pediatric dentist a clear visual
of where molars are coming in and if there is an abscess, tooth decay, or other alignment issues
in the mouth. Panoramic X-rays are commonly given before undergoing orthodontic treatments
like braces, Invisalign, or 3D Printed LightForce braces.

Pediatric Periapical X-Rays

Sometimes, full mouth X-rays or bitewings are not necessary for your child’s specific situation. A
periapical X-ray is an image of just one tooth or a few small teeth in one area. These X-rays may be performed on your child if they show signs of toothache or are experiencing discomfort or problems in a certain area of the mouth. These images are captured by taking that specific small section of the mouth and capturing the root to the crown. This will allow your pediatric dentist to assess any problems with the structure or root of the tooth and determine how to treat your child as necessary.

Schedule A Pediatric Dental Appointment At Lindner Dental Associates

Lindner Dental Associates of Bedford, NH is your trusted local pediatric dental and orthodontist
practice. We are committed to providing exceptional dental care for children of all ages. If your
child is ready for their first dental visit, or you need to set up a recurring appointment, our team
is more than happy to help. We offer comprehensive oral exams and cleanings, dental x-rays,
and other specialty dental care for your child, all under the same roof. Learn more about our
pediatric dental services, or call us to schedule an appointment at 603-624-3900.

Are Artificial Sweeteners Bad For Your Teeth?

Many patients are aware of the effect sugar has on our teeth and overall health, but what about artificial sweeteners? Artificial sweeteners do not affect your teeth in the same way that sugar does. Sugar substitutes are often considered better for dental health because they do not cause tooth decay and other health issues, but do they have an impact on oral health? Whether you often sip on diet sodas, chew sugar-free gum, or add artificial sweetener packets to your other daily beverages, it’s important to understand how this affects your oral health. Read below to learn more about the differences between natural sugar and artificial sweeteners and the impact these have when making decisions about your dental health.

How Sugar Affects Your Teeth

High amounts of sugar are a leading cause of dental cavities. The bacteria inside the plaque on your teeth use the sugar as energy to release acid on your teeth. Through a process called demineralization, this acid dissolves the enamel on your teeth, making them sensitive and causes cavities. If your teeth are not cleaned properly, and high amounts of sugar are not avoided in your diet, your teeth are at greater risk for decay.

If you consume lots of sugary drinks and snacks and are becoming concerned about how it affects your overall and oral health, contact your dentist today. At Lindner Dental Associates, we have a team of trusted dentists who are here to address your concerns regarding your eating habits and oral health. Contact us today for an appointment.

How Artificial Sweeteners Affect Your Teeth

Artificial sweeteners may affect your dental health differently than natural sugar. Below
are some of the impacts artificial sweeteners can have on your teeth.

Pay Attention To Acidity

Artificial sweeteners can be found in diet sodas or other sugar-free carbonated beverages. While the sweeteners in these beverages may not be harmful to your teeth, the acidity in these beverages can be. Overconsuming these acidic beverages can cause acid environments in the mouth. This means that high amounts of acid can cause the eroding of tooth enamel regardless of whether natural or artificial sugar is consumed. Be cautious of the amount of diet sodas you add to your diet if you want to practice good oral health regimens.

Reduced Risk of Cavities

Compared to sugar, most artificial sweeteners will not feed the bacteria in the mouth to produce acid, leading to dental cavities. Artificial sweeteners that include xylitol inhibit the growth of bacteria that are associated with tooth decay. Xylitol is commonly found in sugar-free gum making it a healthy addition to your lifestyle.

No Sugar Crashes

When choosing sugar-free snacks and beverages, you will experience fewer sugar crashes—a sugar crash results from your blood sugar dropping, resulting in decreased energy levels. Sugar crashes may cause you to feel fatigued and hungry. This can also cause you to choose sugary snacks or other unhealthy snacks and beverages when your body feels hungry or unsatisfied after a sugar crash. When choosing snacks and drinks without sugar, your body can avoid those sugar crashes and cravings, which can be healthier for oral health in the long run.

Keep Your Smile Healthy With Lindner Dental Associates

A healthy and balanced diet has a significant impact on your oral health. Eating sweets in
moderation is fine, but if you are afraid your sweet tooth is affecting your oral health, our dental
team is here to help. We offer comprehensive oral exams and dental cleanings to ensure your
teeth are healthy and free of dental cavities. Regardless of whether you are having natural
sugar or artificial sugar and sweeteners, maintaining good brushing habits, including flossing
and mouthwash daily, will help preserve your oral health. For a complete dental checkup, give
our team a call at 603-624-3900.

Why Would My Child Need To See An Orthodontist?

There are many reasons why children need to see an orthodontist. Orthodontic problems rarely
correct themselves, so if you suspect your child may have an issue with development or
alignment of their teeth or jaws, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with a board-
certified orthodontist. During the initial consultation, they can identify problems and plan for the
future. Early monitoring is key to setting your child’s smile up for success in the future.

Common Signs Children Should Seek Orthodontic Care

  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Crowded teeth
  • Excessive space between teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Extra teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Thumb sucking
  • Mouth breathing
  • Difficulty chewing

When Should My Child Have Their Orthodontic Visit?

At Lindner Dental Associates, we recommend that your child visit the orthodontist for the first
time around the age of 7. At this age, most children will begin to lose baby teeth, and permanent
teeth will start to erupt. While the orthodontist likely won’t recommend any treatment at such a
young age, it is a good idea to start the process of monitoring growth and development.

What Will Happen During Their Initial Visit?

At the initial visit, your child will meet their orthodontist and the team. The orthodontist will first
discuss any oral habits, look at the dental development, the spacing and alignment of the teeth,
and the jaw relationship. The orthodontist may suggests a panoramic x-ray to get a closer look
at dental development. It is also common to take photos at that initial visit. Sometimes, the
orthodontist may recommend treatment, if needed, at which point the team will review the next
steps. If no treatment is needed, the orthodontist will likely want to see you back in a year to
continue to monitor growth and development.

Schedule A Consultation With A Board-Certified Orthodontist At Lindner Dental For Your Child

At Lindner Dental Associates, we offer various orthodontic treatments for children in Bedford,
NH. Our team helps guide your child in the right direction whether they need braces, a palate
expander, retainers, or growth modification appliances. We offer traditional metal braces, 3D
Printed LightForce braces, and Invisalign so your child can get a dedicated treatment plan for
their teeth. Learn more about our orthodontic services and schedule your child’s initial visit

How Do You Know if You Would Benefit From A Night Guard?

Have you been told you grind your teeth at night?

Do you wake up feeling unrested and with chronic headaches? Do you experience face, neck, shoulder muscle or tooth soreness?

You may be experiencing a condition called bruxism, which is characterized by clenching or grinding of the teeth. Many patients may be unaware that they experience bruxism or that they could benefit from wearing a night guard when they sleep.

There are many causes of bruxism including stress, anxiety or underlying medical conditions. Regardless of the cause, a custom-made night guard from your dentist can help protect your teeth from damage while you sleep as well as prevent discomfort.

Signs You May Benefit from a Night Guard

TMJ Disorder

TMJ is an acronym for the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint responsible for jaw movement. TMJ disorder is common for patients who experience bruxism. The pressure we put on our teeth also affects our jaw. This can lead to inflammation in the joint with associated popping, clicking, tightness or discomfort when opening and closing the mouth. Patients who experience frequent jaw pain or notice clicking and popping from their TMJ should discuss those symptoms with their dentist. Patients are often unaware that they are grinding their teeth in their sleep, and symptoms of TMJ disorder can signify that there is a problem. If your dentist has diagnosed you with TMJ disorder, they will often recommend sleeping with a night guard to alleviate symptoms and damage from grinding in the future.

Flattened or Worn Down Teeth

If your teeth appear flattened or worn, it may be a sign that you are grinding or clenching your teeth. Additionally, excess pressure on your teeth can cause cracks, broken restorations or broken teeth. This can lead to patients needing replacement fillings or dental crowns to repair damage and save teeth. Routine dental visits can help detect the early signs of tooth wear and treat issues before restorations fail or teeth break. Like all dental care, preventative solutions are the best choices for patients. If issues are ignored, teeth can get damaged to the point that they may not be able to be saved and instead need to be extracted.

Chronic Headaches & Fatigue

One of the drawbacks of nocturnal bruxism is that it disrupts sleep which can lead to people feeling less energized during the day. There are many reasons, however, why an individual might struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep and for that reason it is important to understand the accompanying symptoms of bruxism. The pressure put on your teeth can lead to other symptoms including migraines or headaches. Patients who struggle with night time grinding or clenching frequently experience jaw pain or headaches in the morning that may get better over the course of the day. If a patient is experiencing both disrupted sleep schedules and consistent headaches, they should consider talking to a dentist about bruxism and possible treatment with a night guard. Not only can a night guard help alleviate the symptoms of bruxism, but it can also protect your teeth and jaw from the long-term effects.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Dentist for a Night Guard Consultation

If you’re worried you may be experiencing bruxism in your sleep or often wake up with a tight,
sore jaw, Lindner Dental Associates can help. Our office in Bedford New Hampshire provides
full dental services including preventative care and custom-made night guards. Contact our
for a consultation today.

How To Make Brushing Teeth Fun For Your Child

As a parent, your child’s health is your top priority. However, teaching your child the
importance of good oral health can be very challenging, especially for young children. For
children who are not yet school age or able to tie their own shoelaces, parents and caregivers
should be brushing and flossing their children’s teeth. However, it is important to empower
your child to actively engage with their oral health as they grow too. If your children enjoy
taking care of their teeth, they are more likely to retain the lessons you are teaching them.
Positive reinforcement can be beneficial as it will help your child establish healthy habits.
We recommend that your child be seen by a dentist at least twice a year. Pediatric dentists
choose to pursue additional education beyond dental school to specialize in the management
and treatment of children and their dental needs. If you live in the Bedford, New Hampshire
area, our office would be happy to get your children in for an appointment. In the meantime,
here are a few ways to help make oral care more fun and engaging for your children.

Fun Ways To Make Brushing Teeth A Habit For Your Child

Make Brushing Teeth A Family Event

One of the best ways to ensure your child is effectively brushing their teeth and having fun is to
make teeth brushing a family event. Both morning and night, have your family brush their teeth
together so that you can demonstrate both good habits and techniques. For young children,
parents should be the ones brushing and flossing the teeth. As children grow and demonstrate
independence, a parent can ‘take turns’ with their child in brushing and flossing to ensure that
appropriate hygiene is being achieved. Many young children will mimic their parents, so ensure
you effectively brush your teeth for 2 minutes and flossing at least once daily. When the whole
family is actively engaged, children will begin to build a positive relationship towards their oral

Play Music And Make Brushing Teeth Interactive

Playing music while brushing teeth is a great way to add fun to your child’s dental care routine.
Select songs that are at least two minutes in length to ensure that enough time is dedicated
towards toothbrushing. Let your child pick the song each time they brush their teeth so they
can look forward to their next session. Making the session interactive and fun will prepare them
to brush their teeth again. And by letting children pick the songs, they can feel a sense of
ownership over their oral health.

Give Your Child A Special Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Giving your child a special toothbrush or toothpaste is a way to get them to look forward to
brushing their teeth. Many toothpastes are designed with children in mind – opting for ‘tasty’
flavors like bubble gum or strawberry! Creating the option of ‘choice’ is a great way to add fun to
the daily routine. A rice-sized smear of fluoride toothpaste is appropriate for children younger
than three years old who cannot spit and pea-sized amount of toothpaste is appropriate for
children beyond three years old. A cute toothbrush with their favorite animal or TV show will
help their oral hygiene routine seem like an activity to look forward to each and every day!

Contact Lindner Dental Associates For Pediatric Dental Care

If you are looking for tooth brushing tips for your child or want to set up their first appointment,
our pediatric dental team is here to help. Our board-certified pediatric dentists are patient and
gentle, yet they provide effective dental care for your child. We make your child’s first visit as
fun as possible. Our team makes going to the dentist a comfortable and interactive experience.
From our jungle-themed waiting room to our welcoming dental operatories, your child will find
the dentist to be a fun place they will want to return to time and time again at Lindner Dental.
Schedule an appointment today at 603-624-3900.

Why Is Dentistry For Children Important For Their Health?

As a parent you want what’s best for your child and to keep them as happy and healthy as
possible. Taking care of your oral health is important for keeping your overall body healthy.
Taking your child to the dentist early will ensure their overall health is in check, and their
beautiful smile will be on the right track as they grow older. Discover more about taking your
child to a pediatric dentist at an early age and why dentistry is important for children’s overall

Develop Important Dental Habits Early On

Developing good dental habits at an early age will help you set up your teeth and overall body
for success! Oral health contributes to your overall health, so as a parent, you must teach your
child the importance of brushing and flossing. Taking your child to the dentist will allow them to
be taught all they need to know about good brushing tips and techniques. These include using
the right toothbrush, toothpaste, flossing, and good techniques for tooth brushing. Little kids
may go through the motions of tooth brushing, but taking them in person to a dentist’s office will
allow the pediatric dentist to demonstrate proper brushing techniques so they can learn healthy
habits to bring home.

Find Any Issues Early

When your child gets a dental exam from their pediatric dentist, they get a complete cleaning
and checkup to assess their oral health. If they find a cavity or other dental issue at that time, it
should be caught early on to prevent it from worsening or causing other issues. The American
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends having a first dental visit at the age of 1.
Consulting with a pediatric dentist as soon as possible can help you plan your child’s oral health
for success.

Prevent Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can be common in both young children and adults. There are many myths about
dental appointments being painful and scary. At your child’s first visit, the pediatric dentist and
hygienist will hardly touch your child’s teeth and perform more of an exam to get them
comfortable with the atmosphere. Taking your child in around the age of 1 is the best way to get
them comfortable and familiar with the office and the tools and prevent them from being anxious
about appointments in the future.

Schedule Your Child’s First Appointment At Lindner Dental Associates

Taking your child when they are young will build confidence in their dental habits and
experience in the dental office! Learn how our pediatric dental team at Lindner Dental
Associates can help you and your child today. Our team is committed to providing a welcoming
and playful environment and first dental experience. Our team works to provide exceptional
pediatric dental care for your little one. Contact us today to learn more about pediatric dental
and scheduling your child’s first dental visit!

A Guide To The Best Age For Your Child’s Braces

Getting braces is common for more than half of American children. Even with good oral
regimens and a healthy lifestyle, braces can still be suggested for your child. As a parent, you
always want the best for your child and may have many questions regarding orthodontic
treatment. If you notice your child has jaw issues or their teeth are not coming in correctly, they
will likely need a consultation with an orthodontist. If you are wondering what age your child
should see an orthodontist for the first time, continue reading below!

What Is The Best Age For My Child To Get Braces?

Many parents want to ensure their child is on track with their oral and physical health. As a first-
time parent, you may be nervous that your child is falling behind on where they should be with
their baby teeth or orthodontic treatments. It’s important to know that there is no such thing as
your child being “behind,” and the best age to get braces will depends on the individual. Parents
should schedule the first consult with the orthodontist at the age of 7. This is a standard time
when most children have begun to lose baby teeth and the permanent teeth are beginning to

What Type of Braces Are Right For My Child?

With advances in technology, orthodontic treatment has become more comfortable, efficient and
cosmetically acceptable than ever before! Some of the options include clear aligners like
Invisalign, traditional metal braces, and 3D printed Lightforce braces. If you are wondering
which option is best for your child, there are a few things to consider. With traditional metal
braces, there are some limitations on what you can eat and the metal takes some time to get
used to for your lips and cheeks. Invisalign consists of a series of clear aligners that allow
patients to straighten their teeth without the metal, and there are no food restrictions. A third
option for your child may be 3D printed LightForce braces which are fully customized to your
child’s teeth. If you are unsure which option is best for your child and their lifestyle, schedule a
consult with a trusted orthodontist.

Signs Your Child May Need Braces Or Orthodontic Treatment

There are many signs that your child should see an orthodontist for an evaluation. Some signs
to look out are listed below:
● Crowded teeth
● Overbite/underbite in smile
● Jaw visibly out of proportion
● Difficulty eating or chewing
● Mouth breathing

Board-Certified Orthodontists and Braces Treatments in Bedford, NH

Contact Lindner Dental Associates today for your visit with one of our board-certified
orthodontists in Bedford, NH. Our team is the best in Southern NH. We have state-of-the-art
technology and we provide attentive care to you and your family. Whether you prefer metal
braces, Invisalign, or 3D printed LightForce braces, Dr. Tracy and Dr. Jia can help you achieve
your smile goals. Learn more about our orthodontic team and services, and call us for a
complementary consultation at 603-624-3900!

When Should My Child First Go To The Dentist?

If you are wondering when to take your child to the dentist, you’re in the right place. As a
newborn parent, it can be extremely overwhelming, and you want to do whatever it takes to
keep your child healthy. When it comes to their dental care, children should first go to the dentist
at six months- a year. Many parents should make their initial dental appointment around this
age or when their child’s first tooth starts to emerge. The sooner you take your child to the
dentist, the more familiar it all becomes and the more comfortable they will be when having
future appointments. Learn more below about taking your child to the dentist for the first time
and what dental concerns you may have for them during their visit.

What Dental Problems Can A Baby Face?

A baby’s first tooth can decay if not properly cleaned and maintained at home. Those babies
who drink breast milk, formula, juice, or soda from a sippy cup may also be at a higher risk of
early childhood cavities. To prevent this from happening, limit the amount of sweetened foods
and drinks for your little one, and be sure to visit a dentist for any early signs of cavities or tooth
pain. A pediatric dentist can better determine what your baby’s mouth needs and what items
they should avoid or add to their daily routine to stay healthy.

What Happens During My Child’s First Dental Visit?

Your child’s first dental visit is an introduction to the dental office, the dental staff, and getting
familiar with opening their mouth and using the dental tools! Pediatric dentists know your little
one may not sit still or keep their mouth open long, so they are trained to provide a fun and
outgoing atmosphere and experience for your child’s first visit! Your pediatric dentist may start
by going through crucial oral health steps for you as the parent to teach your little one and
implement into your daily routine. They will then begin with an introduction to each tool, so your
little one is aware of what is going on and how nothing will be painful or scary. As they examine
your child’s teeth, they will go slow and be sure your little one is comfortable the whole time.
They will also clean your child’s teeth and sometimes apply fluoride after cleaning. For most
babies, an exam will be done to keep them comfortable with the dentist and their teeth healthy.

Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Appointment at Lindner Dental Associates in Bedford, NH

Are you ready to schedule your child’s first dental appointment? Lindner Dental Associates
makes it easy! We know you want the best for your child, so our pediatric dentists are some of
the best in the Bedford, NH! They have years of extra training and certifications to ensure top
notch care for your child. Learn more about our top pediatric dental services in Bedford, NH,
and contact us to schedule your child’s appointment today!

What to Know about Crown Sensitivity

Crowns enhance a tooth’s function, but they can also come with sensitivity. Patients may encounter sensitivity after getting a crown and wonder how long it lasts and if they should be concerned. It’s important to know that you are not alone, and that what you are experiencing is somewhat common for patients who have the procedure. Discover below what to know about crown sensitivity and how to alleviate and manage discomfort.

Why is My Tooth Sensitive After a Crown?

Crowns are intended to restore damaged teeth as well as to strengthen and protect the
weakened tooth underneath. A crown is indicated for a tooth that more often than not has had
large restorations or cracks, and preparing a tooth for a crown requires removal of structure to
make room for a crown to be placed. Restorations, damage to teeth and preparation for a crown
are sources of trauma to the tooth and the nerve within, which is very sensitive to hot and cold
temperatures. As a result, the nerve has a greater chance of being sensitive when a crown is
placed on a tooth.

Crown Adjustments

Sometimes, your crown may need to be adjusted to fit perfectly. Occasionally, a crown may be a bit “high,” meaning the bite is not quite right. This can bring about sensitivity when eating, drinking or chewing. After an adjustment, sensitivity should eventually go away, but it is always important to remember that sensitivity can be a part of the healing process.

How Long Does Tooth Sensitivity After a Crown Last?

The duration of tooth sensitivity after a crown depends on each patient. Some may only
experience sensitivity for a few days, while others may take a few weeks to heal. If you feel that
your sensitivity is not getting better or has gotten worse, contact your dentist for an evaluation.

How Can I Alleviate Sensitivity After a Crown?

Sensitivity after a crown can be uncomfortable, but luckily, there are ways to manage or
minimize it. Below are just some tips to help alleviate sensitivity after a crown has been placed.
● Avoid extreme hot or cold temperatures.
● Avoid hard, crunchy or excessively chewy foods
● Use sensitive toothpaste like Sensodyne.
● Continue to practice good oral hygiene.
● Contact your dentist.

Seek Professional Advice from Our Dentists at Lindner Dental

Are you still trying to determine if your crown is just temporarily sensitive or if other issues are occurring? Our team at Lindner Dental is here to help! Sensitivity after a crown placement can be normal, but typically not if it occurs months after. If your crown is damaged or loose, or you are experiencing lingering pain and discomfort, do not hesitate to contact our office at 603-624-3900.