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How to Avoid Dental Issues from Prolonged Pacifier Use

Often times during infancy, a pacifier may be the only thing keeping you sane. Infants can benefit from a pacifier early on (0-12 months) to help them self soothe before and during sleep. It is important to understand, however, that little ones should be weaned from their pacifiers as soon as possible in order to avoid bite problems and other oral issues (sometimes referred to as pacifier teeth). The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends children should stop using a pacifier by age 2. This brief guide features key information about the dental problems that can occur from excessive and prolonged pacifier use and helpful tips to prevent them. 


What are the signs of pacifier teeth?


According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), there are several possible indicators that a child is developing pacifier teeth. These include teeth that are growing in crooked, an irregular bite such as an overbite or underbite, noticeably protruding front teeth, changes to tooth position and jaw alignment and modifications to the roof of the mouth. Often parents may notice the existence of pacifier teeth and/or other oral issues, not realizing they may be related to pacifier usage. It is very important to schedule regular checkups with a dental professional so these problems are recognized and addressed. 

Pacifier versus thumb-sucking? 


The AAPD does encourage infant pacifier usage over thumb sucking as a pacifier is easier to control when the time comes to discourage the habit, although both will cause oral issues if usage is prolonged. And pacifiers certainly do have their benefits. For infants who need extra soothing, pacifiers provide the perfect comfort and reassurance. Pacifiers can also help with pain management, reduce the risk of SIDS (according to the American Academy of Family Physicians) and can help shorten hospital stays for premature babies by teaching tube-fed infants how to use a bottle. Although there are several positives to using a pacifier, it is strongly encouraged to wean your child from the pacifier by age 2 in order to avoid the above-mentioned dental problems and possible orthodontic correction. 

How do I break the pacifier habit? 

Praise and encouragement are the best ways to discourage a pacifier habit. Praise your baby or toddler when a pacifier is not used, and provide a reward such as a star chart or a tooth-friendly prize for each night that goes by pacifier-free. Avoid stressful situations as much as possible if a pacifier is used to cope when your child is anxious or uncertain. More importantly, don’t punish or scold your child for using a pacifier; this may encourage its usage even more. Continue to carefully care for your baby’s teeth and gums, wiping gums after each infant feeding and brushing teeth twice a day.


If you are concerned that your child may be developing pacifier teeth or other dental issues, schedule an appointment today with one of our pediatric dentists at Lindner Dental Associates. Our professionals will assure their young patients’ teeth are coming in properly and can provide parents and caregivers with helpful tips to avoid problems caused by prolonged pacifier usage. Contact us online or call today (603)624-3900!


Commonly Asked Questions About Dental Crowns

Dental crowns serve many purposes and can be a reasonable and simple alternative to other dental procedures.  But what is a dental crown and why would you ever need one?

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over the tooth to cover it. The crown fully encases the visible part of the tooth. The main purpose of a crown is to strengthen a weakened tooth or improve its appearance. Crowns can be made from several types of materials which can often be colored to mimic your natural teeth. Your dentist will consider several factors before deciding on the material used such as the location and color of the tooth, its function, and the position of the gum tissue.

Why is it needed?

      You may need a crown if you:

  • have a large cavity that a filling cannot fix (at least half the width of the tooth)
  • need a restored tooth strengthened from a root canal procedure 
  • have a worn tooth that needs to be capped from excessive grinding 
  • need to secure a dental bridge in place
  • need to strengthen and protect a cracked tooth 
  • want to enhance your smile by covering a misshapen or discolored tooth.

What are the benefits of getting a dental crown?

There are several benefits to having a dental crown placed. Crowns that correctly fit over your tooth can be long-lasting and beautiful when properly cared for, making them a reasonable and financially practical choice. Crowns can secure together cracked teeth which can prevent or prolong extractions. They can also relieve uncomfortable symptoms that are experienced when using the damaged tooth by providing chewing support.

Will I have crown sensitivity?

Crown sensitivity is very common for about 1-2 weeks and usually diminishes over time. Sensitivity depends on several factors such as depth of decay and the severity of tooth fracture. Typically, patients are sensitive to hot and cold liquids/foods as well as minor gum tenderness. If your crown was placed too high, you may experience pain when you bite that lasts longer than the average 1-2 weeks. This can be fixed relatively easily with a simple adjustment by your dentist.  Sometimes sensitivities can be caused by surrounding teeth rather than the crown itself. 

It is important to have your dentist check all your teeth prior to and after crown placement to make sure this is not the case.


Further questions? Don’t hesitate to contact our General Dentists, specializing in Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry at Lindner Dental Associates, and find out what is the best crown option for you! 

Parents’ Guide to Baby Teeth

Children’s smiles certainly light up a room, but it is not uncommon to notice imperfections in those mouths! Don’t be alarmed, baby teeth come in all sizes, shapes, and slants. They are a critical component of every child’s development and more often than not there are logical reasons why baby teeth form the way they do. Check out this guide to common toddler teeth concerns.

Spaced Out Teeth

Since baby teeth are small and less numerous than adult teeth, it is common for your child to have gaps between them. Toddlers only have 20 primary baby teeth while adults have 28 to 32. It is normal and actually healthy for kids to have spaces between their baby teeth. Parents may be concerned that their child’s teeth will remain gapped throughout adulthood. But, as soon as those pearly whites fall out, adult teeth will come into place having plenty of room to fill in those gaps nicely. Think of the spaces between your child’s teeth as placeholders for the bigger and stronger permanent teeth that will be coming in between age 6-12.

Crowded Teeth

Overcrowding in the mouth is common and can be caused by many different factors including thumb sucking, irregular tooth size, cleft lip or palate, jaw injury, or extra teeth. Indications of overcrowding could include an adult tooth erupting before baby teeth fall out or a permanent tooth growing in crooked.  Overcrowding can be treated in several ways, many times with simple intervention if treatment is started early. Early intervention may reduce the need for major orthodontic treatment later in life. Depending on the severity of the overcrowding, a longer course of action may be necessary. Regardless of the suggested treatment, it is important that the underlying cause of overcrowding is addressed. Ensuring your children’s teeth and supporting bones stay healthy, will help enhance the durability and longevity of all their teeth. Remember, always be diligent about brushing and flossing as cavities and gum disease are more prone to occur in crowded mouths.

Crooked Teeth 

Crooked baby teeth are common and not cause for immediate concern. Toddlers with crooked baby teeth won’t necessarily have their permanent teeth grow in crooked. A baby’s jaw changes excessively during the early years of life, and permanent teeth tend to grow in differently than baby teeth. The most important thing to do is focus on excellent infant oral care by making sure their teeth are being cleaned after feedings to prevent cavities. Babies should be seen at age 1 for their first dental visit to establish a dental home.


Discolored Teeth 

If your child’s teeth seem to appear discolored, make sure you and your child are brushing twice a day and after sugary snacks or drinks. The enamel of baby teeth is thinner than that of adult teeth, and it is much easier for plaque to accumulate. Keep in mind that baby teeth are whiter than adult teeth so when adult teeth begin to come in, the side by side comparison of the two can appear more pronounced.


It’s important to start your child off with a comprehensive oral hygiene routine including dental visits from one year of age. From infant to teen, there are steps you and your dentist can take to ensure your child will continue on a path of successful oral health. 


If you have any questions or want to book an appointment with one of our board-certified pediatric dentists at Lindner Dental Associates, please call us at 603-624-3900!

What You Need to Know About Digital Impressions

Say goodbye to goopy impression material, and trays that cause gagging.   Say hello to modern day digital dentistry. Our practice is proud to offer you iTero impressionless scanning technology, which can be used for Invisalign®, appliances, and retainers.

iTero Digital Scanner

The iTero digital scanner is a light, handheld tool that takes 3D images of your teeth and mouth. It takes up to 6,000 frames per second and can generate a detailed model of your entire mouth on a computer screen. This ensures your orthodontist gets a complete image of your teeth.

The scanning device, also known as a wand, is easy to use and extremely comfortable for patients. The images it produces can be rotated and zoomed in to get an in-depth look at your teeth.


How It Works

Our certified orthodontic assistant will wave the wand across your teeth, scanning the inside of your palate and dental areas. iTero technology allows us to scan in motion and continuously move the wand throughout your mouth, capturing images as it goes.

The software automatically detects where the scanner is and when it changes position. Digital scans are developed immediately and the images of your teeth, palate, and mouth appear on the computer screen as soon as they are scanned in. The orthodontic assistant can monitor these images while scanning to make sure they digitally record every part of your mouth, ensuring a more accurate model of the teeth the first time, and eliminating the need to take multiple impressions. 

Advantages of Digital Scanning

Cleaner – Without any sticky impression material and large trays used to make clay impressions, digital scanning is much cleaner than alternative methods. Certified orthodontic assistants wield the wand easily in your mouth so you don’t have to worry about any gagging, uncomfortable tastes, or chalky residue left behind.


Faster – Digital scanning is also much faster than impressions. Because of the real-time scanning, images are available immediately for the orthodontist to see and review.

In the past, the putty molds would have to harden and dry before the orthodontist could even examine them. This could take hours, and sometimes after they were dry, they would have to be redone to create cleaner molds.

Now, a full model can be scanned and uploaded in a matter of minutes, giving you the ability to see your teeth instantly in 3D, improving communication during the consultation and treatment process.


More Reliable – Digital scans are much more reliable than putty molds. The digital software accounts for irregularities in the enamel of your teeth and gives a higher quality view of your mouth. It also captures images in color, which can make it easier to tell the difference between gum and tooth structures. The digital data saves every two seconds and is backed up to the hard drive so you don’t have to worry about losing your scans or patient history.  The image quality of digital scans is superior to conventional impressions, resulting in improved treatment, better fitting appliances, and a more comfortable patient experience 


Use with Invisalign – The iTero scanner can also be used with Invisalign products. This scanner is linked to the Invisalign software that creates aligners from digital scans. These images create a customized treatment plan for each patient. This streamlines the process, allowing us to transmit your models immediately to Invisalign electronically, and get your trays in our office faster.


Need for traditional Impressions – In some cases, traditional impressions may still be needed depending on what type of appliance or retainer is needed, but they are definitely being used less and less!

If you have any questions about digital scanning or want to know more, call us today at (603) 624-3900.

Do I Have a Bite Problem?

As the weather warms up and we dust off the grill, we look forward to summer BBQs and grilled corn on the cob.  Ever thought about how we chew these delicious treats?


Occlusion is a fancy word to describe the way in which your upper and lower teeth come together when you are chewing. If your bite doesn’t fit together properly, we call it a “malocclusion.”  There are 5 major categories of malocclusion or bite problems that we commonly see in children and adults. At Lindner, we work with patients to “take a bite” out of each of these orthodontic issues before they get worse!



A crossbite is where the upper teeth fit inside or behind the lower teeth.  This may be caused by misalignment of teeth, crowding, or a discrepancy in the size of the upper and lower jaw bones.  Possible consequences of this if not corrected are: wearing down of the outer layer of tooth enamel, and shifting the jaw to one side in order to “find your bite.”  Repetitive shifting to one side can eventually lead to asymmetrical jaw growth and TMJ problems.


Open bite


All of the upper and lower teeth should have contact when you bite together. There should even be some overlap of the front teeth when the back teeth are touching.  If the teeth do not overlap in the front, we call that an anterior open bite. This may be caused by habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, or sometimes it is due to a jaw growth discrepancy.  If the open bite is not corrected, this may lead to excessive enamel wear on the teeth that are in contact. It may be difficult to bite into certain foods, like an apple or a sandwich with an open bite.

Deep bite


When the bite is closed, the upper teeth cover the lower teeth too much.  A deep bite is often associated with increased enamel wear on the lower front teeth due to excessive contact.  If severe, the upper teeth may be rubbing against the lower gums and cause gum recession of the lower teeth. Sometimes the lower teeth can pinch the roof of the mouth, leading to swelling and irritation.



The protrusion is another way to describe the upper teeth that are too far forward or stick out.  This may be due to the position of the upper jaw, the angulation of the teeth, or a combination of both. Sometimes this may be associated with a prior habit like thumb sucking. If not corrected, the upper teeth may be more prone to injury during a fall.  If severe, it can also be uncomfortable to fully close the mouth and lips around the teeth leading to dry mouth and increased susceptibility to cavities.



If the teeth are larger in size than the amount of space available for them we see crowding.  Crowding results in teeth that are overlapping, rotated or crooked. Excess crowding can make it difficult to clean in between the teeth, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.


Many of these problems will not correct themselves, and if left untreated can get worse over time. Many times, bite problems are best treated in a child who is still growing. The goal of orthodontic treatment is to create a healthy bite where the teeth line up and the bite forces are distributed evenly throughout the mouth. If you have concerns about your bite, call at 603.624.3900 or contact online to schedule a free consultation with one of our friendly orthodontists at Lindner Dental Associates.


4 Commonly Asked Questions to Pediatric Dentist

When it comes to our children, there can never be enough preparedness or information. We want to make sure our children are starting off on the right path and we can provide knowledgeable answers to their questions. In order to do this, it’s best to equip ourselves with reliable information. Below we have included a list of common questions about children’s dental health and some good, simple answers for parents and children alike:


When is a good time for a first appointment?


The ADA and AAPD recommend your child see a dentist by their first birthday or within six months after their first tooth appears, whichever is first. Caring for your child’s primary teeth is important for so many reasons. Primary teeth aid in speech development, help foster good nutrition by proper chewing and most importantly save space for adult teeth. Appointments at an early age can help the dentist determine your child’s risk of decay and could help prevent more complex or painful situations.


Why should you go to a kid-friendly dentist?


Pediatric dentists have extra training to help address the emotional, physical, and behavioral needs of all children. By using child-friendly language, our doctors are able to alleviate the anxiety that children may experience prior to their appointment and deliver the best oral care. Our pediatric patients leave with a healthy smile and positive attitude towards future dental care. Including a pediatric dental professional to your child’s wellness regimen will prepare them for a lifetime of excellent oral health.

When should my child start flossing?


You’ll want to make sure that by the age of four years old you are flossing your children’s teeth. This will help rid the teeth of any lodged food that might have become stuck during a meal. However, by the time your child has reached the age of eight years old they should begin to take on this responsibility themselves. It is important, however, to monitor their flossing habits to make sure that they are properly flossing their teeth to prevent gum damage.

What dietary effects might I consider?


What we eat substantially affects our health, development, and life in general. Your oral hygiene is no different. Make sure your child is making healthy choices when snacking. Foods with lots of sugar and/or starch will lead to decay and other dental issues which can adversely affect their overall health. If they do consume these types of snacks, encourage them to properly brush their teeth afterward. Check with your child’s dentist to make sure they are receiving the proper amount of fluoride, which will help reinforce enamel and maintain the integrity of their teeth at a vulnerable age.


Overall, sticking to a regular brushing and flossing schedule will do wonders for your child’s current and future dental health. Any specific questions should be addressed with your pediatric dentist. Don’t wait for any issues to arise – schedule an appointment with your pediatric dentist at Lindner Dental Associates!

Am I Too Old For Orthodontic Treatment?

If you’ve been living with crooked or crowded teeth for most of your life, but have never undergone orthodontic treatment to correct them, you might be wondering if you’ve “aged out,” so to speak, at this stage of your life. The short answer is this: As long as your teeth are healthy, you are never too old for the orthodontic correction! In fact, there are many reasons to consider getting your smile fixed during your adult years. As you read on, you’ll see just a few of these.

You’ll have greater confidence

Whether you would like to improve your confidence level for a specific reason, such as advancing your career, or you simply want to feel better about your appearance in general, undergoing orthodontic treatment as an adult is a surefire way to give yourself a major confidence boost.

You can choose a practitioner who is right for you

As an adult, you can find a practitioner who perfectly meets your needs. Some Orthodontists have extra experience working with adults who are interested in learning about the orthodontic options that are available to them.

Today’s braces are typically discreet

It’s not uncommon for adults to put-off visiting an orthodontist because they are concerned about how they will look with metal braces. In many cases, however, clear braces can be used to fix orthodontic problems in this day and age. This discreet option is perfect for people who are hesitant to get metal brackets. If you learn that your dental problems are too severe for clear braces, you and your Orthodontist will discuss the options that are right for you.

Your oral health will likely improve

Certain orthodontic problems can make it difficult for people to properly care for their teeth. Overcrowding, for example, can cause issues with both brushing and flossing, leading to trapped food particles, and, ultimately, decay. By undergoing orthodontic treatment, no matter what age you are, you will be taking a proactive step toward preserving your oral health for the future.


If you are interested in scheduling a consultation with one of our Board-Certified Orthodontists to discuss your orthodontic options, give Lindner Dental Associates a call today. Our compassionate staff will take excellent care of you and looks forward to helping you achieve a smile you can be proud of for the rest of your life!

Avoiding Tooth Decay in Children

The dental hygiene habits children learn while they are young can affect them for their entire lives. Teaching good dental care practices to kids is a great way to ensure that they avoid cavities and tooth decay not only during their youth but into adulthood as well. It can, however, be hard to figure out what habits to instill in kids without overwhelming them.


As you read this guide, you’ll learn more about some healthy habits you can teach your children to keep their teeth healthy and strong for decades to come. You may already be doing some of these things; if so, keep it up! It never hurts, though, to add additional dental care habits as kids get older, so remember any suggestions you aren’t currently implementing for later.

Brush teeth twice per day.

Kids should be taught to brush their teeth for two minutes twice a day. Typically, when they wake up and before they go to bed are the best times, but only you can know what schedule works best for your family. Some parents, for example, prefer to have their little ones brush teeth after breakfast rather than when they first wake up. To make sure your kids are brushing long enough, set a timer next to the sink.

Visit the dentist on a regular basis.

If you want your kids to maintain good oral health for life, establishing a “dental home” is essential to starting children off with positive experiences and a solid foundation to build upon. The AAPD and AAP recommend a child’s first visit to the dentist should be at age 1. This way, they will know that visiting a dental professional is not something to fear. If you have a child who strongly dislikes visits to the dentist, consider giving him or her a small treat or toy each time he or she has a successful appointment. It is also crucial to find a local dentist your kids like and feel comfortable with.

Eat healthy foods instead of junk.

The healthier kids eat, the more likely they are to avoid tooth decay. Teaching them about nutritious foods while they’re young will help them plan balanced meals that are good for their oral health throughout their lives. At snack time, for instance, serve yogurt dip with fruit or vegetables instead of sugar-filled sweets.
The more time you spend helping your little ones understand how crucial oral health is to overall wellness, the better off they will be in the future. Encourage them to ask you questions about their teeth. Having an open conversation with your kids about any and all topics will improve your relationship and keep all of you engaged with one another. Visit Lindner Dental Associates for your regular checkup and keep away from tooth decay!