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How to Prevent Cavities While Wearing Braces

Whether you’re a parent of a pre-teen or an adult who decided braces are the best course of action to improve your smile, these orthodontic devices can be challenging to have. Not only do metal braces affect your appearance, they can be uncomfortable at times. Fortunately, once your braces come off and your new smile is revealed, you’ll be glad you went through with the process!


In the meantime, though, is very important to take care of your teeth as best you can with brackets and wires in your mouth. One of the toughest, but least discussed, aspects of having braces is the difficulty of preventing cavities. As you continue reading below, you’ll learn about a few ways you can keep your teeth cavity-free until you are finished with your metal braces once and for all.


Brush your teeth after every time you eat.

This might seem like overkill, but it really will prevent food from getting caught in your braces, ultimately causing tooth decay. Even if you just eat a snack or drink a sugary drink, you should give your teeth a thorough brushing. After all, isn’t it worth spending a little extra money on toothpaste to prevent having a cavity filled? We think so too.


Drink lots of water.

Staying hydrated is good for your body for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it can help prevent cavities in people who have braces. Water cleans your mouth, rinsing food particles off of the brackets and wires you have on your teeth. Drinking water isn’t a replacement for brushing, but it is a great option if you’re at a restaurant or out and about.


Eat healthy foods.

The healthier your diet is, the less likely you are to get cavities in general; this is no exception when you have braces. Fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-laden food items are not as likely to cause cavities as sugary, over-processed fare. That said, even if you eat extremely clean all the time, you still need to brush and floss frequently to prevent any buildup of food particles in your braces.


Schedule a consultation at Lindner Dental Associates and receive your personalized plan of action outlined on the path to your perfect smile.

5 Questions to Ask Your Pediatric Dentist

When you become a parent, your ultimate goal is to take the best possible care of your children. This includes caring for their physical and oral health. When the time comes for you to select a pediatric dentist for your child or children, it’s normal to feel some level of anxiety. After all, negative dental office experiences can leave a lasting impression that affects people well into adulthood! As you read this guide, you will discover five questions you can ask your pediatric dentist to put your mind at ease and reassure you that you’ve made the right decision for your family.

What will happen during my child’s first appointment?

Every pediatric dentist does things a little bit differently. It’s important for you to find a comfortable “dental home”. This question will help you get a feel for what to expect at your child’s 1st appointment. Make sure you get details like whether or not you will be allowed to go into the examination room with your child and whether or not x-rays will be taken during your family’s initial visit.

How often will you want to see my child?

The frequency of dental visits will be determined by the DMD based on your child’s oral health condition and needs.  If your child has special dental issues, he or she may need to visit even more frequently. This question will simply help you better understand your pediatric dentist and the operations of his or her office.

How frequently should I brush and floss my child’s teeth?

Most pediatric dentists recommend brushing children’s teeth twice per day (typically in the morning and at bedtime) and flossing once a day. If you are struggling to get your child to sit still or not throw a fit during these activities, your dentist and hygienist are likely to have suggestions to help you. Rest assured that you are not alone and dental hygiene can be a challenging thing to teach little ones! Look at your pediatric dentist as an ally.

What should I do if we have a dental emergency?

This is a crucial question because it will help you understand how your dentist’s office deals with emergency situations. Establishing a “dental home” with a pediatric dentist is much like your relationship with your child’s pediatrician. Most pediatric dentists provide the families they treat with an emergency on-call number so they are reachable during crises. Others have relationships with local 24-hour dental clinics where they refer their patients.


If you are ready to schedule your child’s first pediatric dental appointment, contact Lindner Dental Associates today. We are passionate about what we do and will do everything in our power to make your entire family feel at-ease every time you visit us! We are excited to meet you.

Why You Should Have Your Child’s Teeth X-Rayed

Having concerns regarding your child getting an x-ray of any kind is completely normal. You worry about their risk of exposure to radiation and its effects. Wanting to know more about why your child needs x-ray imaging may very well be a factor in whether you give consent or not. Digital radiographs are useful, essential resources that dentists use to detect dental issues and formulate treatment plans. Let’s see why it’s critical to have your child’s teeth x-rayed.

Show Tooth Decay in Areas not Visible With an Oral Exam

Cavities tend to develop in areas between the teeth that a dentist cannot see visually. “Bitewing” dental x-rays can detect cavities early in these hard to reach areas, while they are small and serious damage can be prevented.

Examine Bone Height

Digital radiographs examine bone height and quality around the teeth. Though not common in children, bone loss can result in teeth becoming mobile and even cause teeth loss. Essentially, monitoring the height of your child’s bone is a good preventative measure that will keep your child’s mouth healthy.  

Allow Complete Inspection of Your Child’s Entire Tooth & Structure

The root of the tooth is embedded in the jaw, and it anchors the tooth in its bony socket below the gum line where it is invisible. A specific tooth can have a serious problem associated with it, such as abscess, trauma, or sensitivity. An x-ray is useful in capturing an image of the entire tooth, along with the periapical area.

Wisdom Teeth Check

Panoramic x-rays are used to check on the development of your child’s wisdom teeth and identify if the teeth are emerging through the gums without any issues.

Permanent Teeth Check

If you have concerns about your child’s permanent teeth development, digital radiographs can determine if the primary teeth are being lost at a normal rate to allow for the permanent teeth to come in correctly.

Diagnose Genetic Issues

Abnormalities in the physical appearance of your child’s teeth could be a result of a genetic disease. Dentinogenesis imperfecta, for example, is one such condition that x-ray is specifically helpful in diagnosing.

Check Source of Oral Swelling

If your child’s jaw is swollen, you may have no idea what could be the cause. An x-ray could be used to check for things like the erosion of bone or an infection.

Experiencing Oral Pain

A toothache or other dental pain are two dental issues that your child could experience. A periapical (PA) x-ray of the problem allows the dentist to determine what may be causing the pain.


While you may worry about your child’s safety when doing digital dental radiography, there are times when it is necessary. There is very minimal exposure to radiation during digital dental radiography, so rest assured that your child will be fine while getting the help required to have a great looking smile. If you’re interested in an x-ray for your child, make an appointment with Lindner Dental Associates today and carry on with the peace of mind.

4 Things a Parent Needs To Know About Invisalign Teen

The Invisalign System first made its debut in 1997 and is described as “an aesthetic orthodontic treatment with removable, clear semi-elastic polyurethane aligners,” in the journal Annali di Stomatologia. This system relies on computer-aided modeling technique to create aligners that are custom made to fit a specific treatment plan. The aligners are typically worn for a minimum of 20 hours each day. Invisalign is a great alternative for teens when compared to conventional braces. Let’s look at 4 things that a parent needs to know about Invisalign Teen.

Invisalign Teen Can Be Just as Effective as Conventional Braces

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, parents want a method that is effective. It would be disappointing to spend a considerable amount of cash to pay for orthodontic work that failed in its intended purpose. Invisalign Teen is just as effective as traditional braces, if your teen adheres to the customized plan established by the orthodontist. The aligner system is capable of treating a number of common issues. These include mild to moderate cases of underbites, overbites, overcrowding and gap teeth.

Invisalign Teen is Easy to Remove

Unlike traditional braces that are generally worn until the end of the orthodontic treatment, Invisalign can conveniently be removed. You child can wear it for 20-22 hours per day for the best result. On a plus side, he/she can easily remove it at any time. Your teen can continue to eat his/her favorite foods, remain active in sports and other activities and brush his/her teeth and floss. Overall, your teen won’t feel deprived of many of the things he/she normally enjoys. This is something that traditional braces do not offer.

Far Less time in the Dentist Chair

Parents know very well how busy their teen(s) can be with multiple activities in their weekly routine. With Invisalign Teen, there will be fewer trips to the dentist’s office compared to the requirement of braces. There’s no need to adjust wires regularly. Your teen would likely visit the dentist’s office approximately once every 6 or 8 weeks to ensure that the Invisalign treatment is progressing as expected.

Cavity Risk Minimized

A huge part of pediatric dentistry is the focus on preventative dental care, and when your teen is wearing Invisalign you may have concerns about teeth and gum health. Unlike the increased risk for plaque development and decay when wearing metal braces, as a result of places in the wiring for food to become trapped, Invisalign removes such a risk. Your teen can thoroughly brush his/her teeth to remove food because the aligners are removable.


Invisalign Teen can be a wonderful alternative to braces. Make it your choice because it can be just as effective as conventional braces, it minimizes the risk of a cavity, it is easy to remove and your teen will spend less time in the dentist chair. Contact your family dentist at Lindner Dental Associates to schedule an appointment today and return back to school with a perfect smile!

How Parents Can Prepare for Common Dental Emergencies

Life is full of discoveries, especially when you’re growing up. Children tend to be active adventure-seekers, but sometimes their fun and risky experiences result in accidents, such as dental injuries. As parents, we wish to avoid any traumas involving our kids. Some dental emergencies you can’t be ready for, but some of them you can try to prepare for and even avoid with our tips.

Knocked Out Tooth

This is a very time-sensitive issue: if your kid’s permanent tooth gets knocked out – see your dentist immediately! If you are able to find the fallen out tooth in the first place, try to preserve it. Handle it by the crown and rinse carefully only if it is dirty. While you’re on the way to the dentist, keep the tooth in a container filled with the child’s saliva or milk – do not use water! The best option if you are able to, is to replace the tooth where it came from. Hold it in place with a washcloth and see your dentist immediately!

Fractured Tooth

Accidents can happen when you least expect them. Sometimes, kids play rough and the teeth bear the brunt of their actions. If your child fractures a tooth call your dentist right away. The earlier we check the affected tooth, the greater the chances we’ll avoid any complications or infections. If it’s a possibility, try to find the chipped fragment and bring it to the dental office, in milk, for the doctor to take a look at. If not, don’t worry: a chipped tooth can be fixed with a crown.

How to Prepare:

Very often, fractured tooth injuries happen as a result of a sports injury. Invest in a mouthguard for your kid if they are into any kind of contact sports.

An ongoing Toothache

A spontaneous toothache can be soothed with this simple method: a warm water rinse can actually ease the pain. If your child’s toothache persists – it might indicate the symptoms of a more serious issue and needs to be examined by a dental professional. If the same tooth hurts for more than a few days, make an appointment at Lindner Dental Associates as soon as possible.

How to Prepare:

The majority of toothaches are originated from the imperfect oral care routine. Make sure your kid brushes their teeth for two minutes twice a day and flosses as recommended by your family dentist – once a day.  

If your child has a dental emergency, it’s important to call your dentist to prevent further complications. Contact Lindner Dental Associates by calling 603-944-9196! Our pediatric dentists have extensive experience getting kids’ smiles back in working order.

Traditional Braces vs. Invisalign®

Not everyone is born with a Hollywood smile, and teeth straightening has been an ever-growing, fast-developing field of orthodontics. Conventionally, braces are the first thing that comes to mind, but nowadays more and more dentists recommend Invisalign®  as a better alternative. While these two options deliver very similar results, Invisalign offers more comfortable teeth straightening experience, than traditional braces.

Metal Braces

Crooked teeth, overcrowding, underbite, and overbite are just a few of the dental problems metal braces effectively correct. However, there is a number of limitations associated with wearing brackets. Firstly, it’s a time-consuming process and takes about 2-3 years on average to metamorphose your smile. Secondly, there are certain unpleasant side effects brace-wearers often experience, not to mention the pain. Because of the specific way each bracket is attached to your tooth, some parts become harder to clean. Insufficient brushing and flossing of these hard-to-reach areas may result in some discoloration, plaque, and even decay. Thirdly, there are restrictions when it comes to food and beverages you can enjoy. Throughout the entire period of wearing brackets, you should be able to say no to crunchy, sweet and chewy foods.


Unlike braces, Invisalign® removable, clear trays are virtually undetectable. They offer more flexibility since the trays can be removed and reinserted with ease, which allows you to maintain proper oral care routine and eat whatever you wish, as long as you’re wearing Invisalign®  for 22 hours a day. Invisalign®  wearers tend to experience less irritation and swelling than people who wear metal braces since the plastic trays don’t stick out. Invisalign®  also offers you the teeth straightening results in a much shorter time frame of more or less 1 year.
Have you noticed, that people with straight teeth smile more? With a little help from our professional orthodontists, don’t let the fear of a metal smile stop you from looking and feeling your best. Schedule an appointment with Lindner Dental Associates by submitting our contact form online or calling 603-944-9196 and get the smile you’ve always wanted!

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is any dental work aimed at improving the appearance of your teeth, gums, bite, or overall smile. It offers patients a confidence boost and the ability to love their smile. But what are your options and what types of procedures are offered? Let’s review some of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures and how they can help you love your smile again.


Dental Implants

Dental implants can be the solution to missing or damaged teeth. They can also help to extend the life of surrounding teeth. Receiving dental implants will give your smile a full, youthful look again. Dental implants function and look just like real teeth, so only you will know that they aren’t real. Everyone else will just know that you have a beautiful smile!


Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are individually sculpted for each patient, this gives them a very realistic look. Veneers transform your entire smile, and the porcelain allows them to look and feel just like real teeth. Unlike dentures, veneers function just as normal teeth would.


Orthodontics or Aligners

Orthodontics, or braces, are individualized for each patient. They can help improve an overbite, underbite, or realign your teeth over time. After the braces are removed, you’ll be left with a perfect smile and bite, all with your own natural teeth. There are options now for invisible aligners that act in a similar way to braces and offers a less visible option for adults or older teens.


Porcelain Crowns

Many people have crowns on their teeth that stand out and don’t match their other teeth. This can cause insecurity and embarrassment, but now you can get those crowns replaced with porcelain crowns. Porcelain crowns offer an extremely realistic look to the crown, which disguises them to the naked eye. Crowns replace the tooth down to the gum level in most occasions and can help not only with the look of your teeth but with the comfort of them as well.


Teeth Whitening

Over time, teeth will begin to stain from coffee, tea, and other food and drink products. Getting a professional tooth whitening offers better, and safer, results than an at-home whitening kit. It is performed with a whitening, or bleaching, solution by a dentist. Teeth whitening will help to rejuvenate your smile after years of buildup that has dulled their natural pearly white shine.


Porcelain Bridge

Just as with porcelain veneers and crowns, a porcelain bridge offers a very realistic look to your teeth. A bridge is used to replace one or more teeth that are no longer viable. They not only replace your missing teeth but make them look better than ever before.


Regardless of what type of cosmetic dentistry you’re considering, going in for a consultation with your dentist here at Lindner Dental Associates to discover your options is the best idea. Call us at (603) 944-9196 to schedule an appointment and we will explain all available procedures, and help you decide what’s the best option for you!


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How to Reduce Braces Pain?

For anyone that has or has had braces, you know that they can get painful at times. Especially after they are tightened. Your teeth are moving and shifting, and they can get pretty sore. Also, braces can cause blisters in your mouth just from the metal scraping against the inside of your lip. Luckily, there are ways you can reduce the pain and blistering that is caused by braces.


If you are beginning to feel that irritation or blistering on your inner lips from the friction of the metal braces, ask your orthodontist for wax. Many orthodontists may provide you with wax, but if not, simply ask and they will be more than happy to provide you with some. This wax can be placed over your braces where you are feeling irritation, this will cover the metal portion of the braces and the soft, smooth wax will reduce the level of irritation.

Salt Water

Gargling warm salt water has many uses, it can help soothe a sore throat and is used to help alleviate some soreness within your mouth caused by irritation from braces. Using both saltwater and wax are very effective treatments for irritation and blisters due to the harsh braces.

Ice Packs/Heat Compress

If you are experiencing major soreness due to your braces, both your gums and teeth are tremendously sore. Ice packs and hot compresses can be useful to help reduce some of the pain and uncomfortableness

Over the Counter Painkillers

If the pain and soreness become even more severe and applying ice and warmth has not helped reduce the pain, over the counter painkillers can be used. Of course, take as directed and only use if the pain is severe.

Braces can be painful and uncomfortable at times, but you know what, that means they’re working! It will be worth it when you get them off and have a beautiful new and improved smile! Contact Lindner Dental with any braces related questions!


Why are Mouth-guards Important?

If you or your children participate in some sort of contact sport, then you should always be wearing a mouthguard. Mouthguards can help protect you in many ways and although they are just small, rubber devices, they can have a big impact on your health and safety while participating in sports.

Dental Injuries

Collisions that happen in contact sports like football and hockey, and even incidental contact that can happen in non-contact sports, can cause serious injuries to the mouth and surrounding area. Broken teeth, fractured jaws, and lip and cheek lacerations are just some of the unfortunate injuries that can occur in these types of brutal collisions. Although these collisions may not be avoidable at times, the injuries can be!


Mouthguards are small mouth shaped products made of rubber materials. Mouthguards are specifically shaped to an individuals mouth forming a cushion between the top and bottom teeth, as well as a layer between the front teeth and the lip. There are a few different kinds of mouthguards and it will be up to you to decide which kind to go with. You can buy mouthguards off the self and boil and shape them yourselves at home, this method is less expensive and if molded properly, they do provide solid oral protection. For the best protection, your dentist can professionally shape a mouthguard to your mouth and this will provide optimal protection for you. Mouthguards can do an excellent job at not only keeping your mouth safe during a collision but also your brain! Mouthguards can help reduce your risk of concussions by absorbing some of the impact sustained during a hit.

In the unfortunate event of a sports-related dental injury, Lindner Dental can help. We can’t stress enough the importance of wearing a mouthguard, whatever age you are! Contact Lindner Dental to discuss personal mouthguard molding.