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How are Cavities Fixed?

If you go to the dentist and they tell you the unfortunate news that you have a cavity, first of all, don’t feel bad, cavities are a very common dental issue and although proper brushing and dental hygiene can greatly reduce your chance of getting a cavity, sometimes they are just unavoidable. Now, you may be wondering what exactly they will have to do to fix it. What will the cavity filling procedure be like?


When cavities are fixed they are actually just filled in, a filling restores decayed tooth by filling it in and returning it to its normal function. The actual filling procedure is fairly straightforward, quick, and pain-free. Any decayed material is removed, and the affected area is cleaned. When the cavity is cleaned out, it is then filled with filling material.  Filling cavities closes off spaces and holes in teeth that were caused by decay and can prevent harmful bacteria from getting in and causing future decay. There are many different materials that can be used as fillings for cavities.

Silver Amalgam

Silver Amalgam fillings are the standard fillings that have been widely used but now that other filling materials are being proven, silver amalgam fillings are losing popularity. Although they are inexpensive, silver fillings are very noticeable due to their darker color and people tend to not like the look of them.


Gold fillings are thought to be the best type of filling for a few reasons. First of all, they are tough and durable, gold fillings can last up to 20 years! They are strong enough to withstand chewing and other straining forces. Gold fillings are the most expensive of the filling options and also require multiple visits to the dentist.


Composite fillings are colored to match your teeth; therefore, the fillings are barely noticeable and are great for use in the front teeth. The material is put into the cavity where it hardens to fill and create a natural look. Composite fillings are a little weaker than silver or gold fillings and can be prone to crack or chip. Just like natural teeth, composite fillings can be stained by certain food or drink like coffee and tea. On average, composite fillings last anywhere from three to ten years.

Lindner Dental specializes in all three of these different cavity filling methods and we can help you decide which one will work best for you. If you have a cavity that needs to be filled or questions regarding the filling process, contact Lindner Dental today!

How to Prepare for Wisdom teeth removal

For teenagers and young adults, getting your wisdom teeth removed is almost a right of passage. According to, almost 85 percent of people need to get their wisdom teeth out at some point during their lives! Chances are most people you know have had, or will have their wisdom teeth out.

Why do Wisdom teeth get pulled?

Wisdom teeth get pulled for a number of reasons. Many people experience impacted wisdom teeth, which is where the teeth cannot fully erupt because of blockages by other teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause infection, severe pain, as well as moving of other teeth. Wisdom teeth can also come in crooked and cause teeth to shift dramatically and cause pain. These are the most common reasons for Wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Pre-Surgery Preparation

Leading up to the surgery, you should already have an understanding of what exactly the surgery will entail. How many teeth are being pulled, what kind of anesthesia is being administered, and how long the procedure will take. Typically, general anesthesia will be used and in that case, you will need a ride home. You will be too groggy to operate a vehicle. When using general anesthesia, you may be required to fast the night before the procedure. These are all things to discuss with your oral surgeon prior to surgery.


Following the procedure, you will likely still be heavily sedated and should have arranged for a ride home. Once home, relax and get comfortable. The anesthesia will still be in effect and you may end up just falling asleep but regardless, it is important to get rest. When the anesthesia wears off there may be a fair amount of pain, but this can be negated with strong Tylenol or stronger pain medication that would have been given to you by your dentist. You should be equipped with ice packs and cotton swabs to deal with the bleeding and swelling. Avoid eating any solid food and be sure to clean out the area where your teeth had been. Food can easily get caught in the holes left from surgery and can cause infection and dry socket.


Recovery time for wisdom teeth removal surgery differs from person to person. It also depends on the severity of the patient’s situation. Talk to your dentist about recommended recovery time but you should take ample time off from work or school to allow for a full recovery!

If you have any questions regarding wisdom teeth removal or the procedure itself, contact the dental professionals at Lindner Dental today!

How to Keep your Teeth Straight After Braces

Getting your braces off is an amazing feeling, finally free from the crippling metal grip of the braces. If the braces did their job, you may finally have teeth you’re proud of and a smile you can be confident in! Seeing your braces-less teeth for the first time in awhile can come as almost a shock to some people. You may look and feel like a completely different person, and in the best way possible! It has been a long journey, but you finally have the teeth you want, so don’t let all that effort go to waste, follow these steps to ensure your teeth remain perfectly aligned.


Chances are your orthodontist will give you a retainer, specifically designed to keep your teeth just as they are when you get your braces off. The retainer will have been molded to fit your mouth and snug around your newly aligned teeth. Retainers are a certain way to make sure your teeth don’t move after getting your braces off. Teeth are constantly moving and shifting and start shifting almost immediately your braces come off. Retainers prevent teeth from shifting and help them stay in place. Some retainers may be cemented into your mouth usually behind your teeth, but the most common retainer is made of a metal tooth guide and acrylic that has been molded to your mouth. This type of retainer is removable and of course, is only effective if it is actually worn. This is where most people mess up, they may start to wear their retainer consistently but eventually keep forgetting to wear it. This is where teeth begin the shifting process.

When should I wear my retainer?

Retainers should absolutely be worn directly after getting braces off. This initial stage is where teeth will be most actively trying to move. Ideally, retainers should be worn for life. Your teeth will never stop shifting, and the best way to prevent shifting is to continue to wear a retainer. Retainers are easily misplaced, and things happen, but they are easily replaced, and it is well worth it! If you do lose a retainer, contact your orthodontist immediately. Getting a new retainer is usually not a problem and ask your dentist what you can do in the meantime to prevent shifting teeth.

Did you lose a retainer, or do you think your teeth are shifting? Contact Lindner Dental today and schedule a consultation!

The Many Benefits of Fluoride

Fluoride can be misunderstood; many people associate fluoride with negative health effects. The truth is, fluoride is a major powerhouse when it comes to the strength and density of your teeth.

Fluoride Strengthens Teeth

Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by strengthening the enamel of your teeth, or the hard, outer portion. Not only does fluoride strengthen your enamel, but it also contributes to the remineralization process of your teeth. The new enamel that forms with the help of fluoride is harder, larger and more resistant to acid. Plaque on the surface of your teeth can produce acids that seep into the enamel and break down its internal structure. This process, called demineralization, can create a weak spot in the tooth that may become a cavity if left untreated. Fluoride can be found in many towns’ drinking water, and there are also different kinds of toothpaste and mouthwash which contain fluoride.

Ways to get Fluoride

Fluoridated toothpaste is a great way to combat cavities in children and adults. Brushing your teeth is a great way to get to those hard to reach areas and exposed roots and prevent tooth decay. Using mouthwash that contains fluoride is another way to further your fluoride exposure and get added enamel protection. Fluoride in drinking water is a very popular technique and has been proven to significantly lower cavities and tooth decay within the population. Fluoride is naturally found in most water sources, but towns have been adding fluoride to increase the level for its residents.

Fluoride in towns’ drinking water has many benefits. Preventing cavities and tooth decay for people of all ages, anyone who drinks the water is protected! Fluoride addition to water has been found to be perfectly safe and even has endorsements from high ranking public officials and safety departments. It is also cost-effective because it is fairly cheap to add fluoride to the water supply and it prevents people from spending money on dental care.

It is important to know the effects fluoride has on your teeth, if you have any questions, contact Lindner Dental today!

Catch The Culprit Of Stinky Breath!

Little Boy Holding his Nose

Everyone has smelly breath from time to time, whether it’s from morning breath or the heaps of garlic you consumed at lunch, bad breath happens. But if you’re experiencing bad breath all the time, there may be another reason for it. Let us help you get to the bottom of your bad breath mystery!

Neglecting your tongue

when brushing, your teeth always seem to be the star of the show. However, it is important to take care of your tongue every day too! Bacteria thrive in your mouth, especially on your tongue, which can cause bad breath. So, pick up a tongue scraper at your local pharmacy or just use your toothbrush to get your mouth nice and clean!

You may have a cavity

Some cavities are painful and sensitive but others go completely unnoticed. Untreated cavities can lead to bad breath due to the rotting tooth admitting an odor. To prevent this from happening, brush and floss twice a day and see your dentist regularly!

You have an infection

infections in the mouth are coated with tons of bacteria, and that bacteria can emit an unpleasant odor. More of a reason to keep up with your regular dental visits

Certain medications

Some medications have dry mouth listed as a side effect. Dry mouths are prone to bacteria build-up which in turn leads to bad breath. If you’re on medication with a mouth drying side effect make sure you’re drinking a lot of water!


Need to schedule an appointment? Call us today at 603-624-3900!

Do You Have A Teeth Damaging Habit?

Kid Sucking Thumb

We all know the most common mistakes people make when it comes to their oral health, such as eating or drinking sugary food or beverages, or not brushing on a regular basis. But did you know that you could be hurting your oral health by biting your nails? It’s true! When you bite your nails, your lower jaw is protruding outward, in an unnatural way. This can cause jaw pain, wear down the enamel of your teeth and it leads to chipping! Check out a few other things that can cause damage to your teeth:

Not drinking enough water

Drinking water helps wash out food particles that may be left on your teeth after a meal. Also, a dry mouth is more likely to accumulate bacteria and cause tooth decay and cavities. So, skip the energy and sugary drinks and reach for some good ol’ H2O!

Brushing too vigorously

Weird, right? You think the harder you brush the more bacteria you’re getting, but that’s actually not the case at all! Overzealous brushing at the gum line can worsen gum recession. Gently brushing twice a day is the way to go!

Too much acidity

Sugar always seems to be the star of the show when it comes to foods to avoid for good dental health, but acid is up there as well. Fruits such as lemons and oranges are high in acid as well as some juices and can eat away at your enamel. Even some salad dressings have high acidity levels! So, make sure you’re limiting your intake and brushing after consuming!

Using your teeth as a tool

We’re all guilty of using our teeth as a tool at some point. Whether you can’t get that pesky packet open or ripping a tag off, we’ve all done it. Well, stop right now! Using your teeth as a tool can cause serious damage and can lead to chipped or cracked teeth.

Chewing Ice 

Chewing ice doesn’t seem like that bad of a thing, it’s just water, right? WRONG! What we seem to forget is that ice is a hard and solid substance, not meant to be chomped on. Chewing ice can cause a chip or crack in your teeth, so avoiding it can save you a lot of time and pain!

Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking to some kids is a sense of comfort but what they don’t know is that it’s causing a lot of damage to their teeth. The thumb is pressing on the upper palate causing permanent teeth to move and spread apart. Most dentists will give tips on how to break the thumb sucking cycle!


Smoking already has so many proven health risks, and damage to your mouth is one of them. Aside from the smelly breath and stained teeth, smoking can cause a build-up of plaque and bacteria that can lead to gum disease.

Questions or want to schedule an appointment? Call 603-624-3900 today!

Proper Brushing Techniques

Brushing our teeth can seem like a pretty mindless task, right? It is something we have all done since we can remember. There is actually a proper technique to go about brushing your teeth. Next time you’re half asleep and aimlessly brushing your teeth, remember these techniques for the best brush possible.

When to Brush

Brushing twice a day is no secret, for most of us, morning and night is brushing time. Some people like to sprinkle a quick lunch brush in too and that’s even better. Did you know though, that brushing your teeth should take at least two minutes? Many of us fall short of that two-minute mark, but for a true tooth clean, you must brush for two minutes. Remember the 2×2 rule, twice a day for two minutes.

How to Brush

The correct brushing technique is to hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums when brushing the outside surfaces and brush gently with strokes pushing away from the gum line. These strokes can form almost a rolling, circular motion, but remember, gentle. When brushing the inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth, the strokes should be short, gentle back and forth. After you have spent about two minutes on your teeth, don’t forget to brush your tongue. To do this properly, gently place your brush on the back of your tongue and push it forward. The bacteria on the tongue is the number one cause of bad breath so this step is important for combatting bad breath! Flossing should also be done twice daily; food particles can get stuck in your teeth and can prove too tough for a toothbrush. Flossing is important to get rid of these food particles which can cause tooth decay and a number of other dental issues.

You should replace your toothbrush when you notice the bristles have started to wear, usually around 3 months of use. Remember to be gentle on your teeth when brushing, if you brush too hard you can chip away at your enamel. Next time you’re brushing, remember the proper techniques, and take care of those pearly whites! For any brushing related questions, contact Lindner Dental today!

Foods That Can Chip Teeth

Although teeth are very strong, they are still prone to breaking and chipping, and often this can be caused by the kind of food you are eating. Chipping a tooth can turn a perfect dinner into a disaster, so here are some foods to avoid, or at least be aware of, so you won’t chip a tooth mid-meal.


Popcorn is a dentists sworn food enemy, flakes can get stuck in between teeth and under gums and can wreak all sorts of dental havoc. Another potential issue that can arise when consuming popcorn is the danger of chipping a tooth. Popcorn is generally soft and fluffy, but once in awhile a hard kernel can get mixed into a bite and you can unknowingly chomp down hard on the solid kernel… and crack. Next thing you know a portion of one of your teeth is missing, and you have popcorn to blame. Next time you go to the movies and order the large bucket of popcorn, just be aware of those pesky kernels and chew cautiously!


Biscotti or any bread crisps require extra attention when eating. These delicious baked goods are extremely hard and crispy and are a challenge even to bite through. Though they are delicious, they are dangerous, the higher the risk the higher the reward, right? Be mindful of the way you bite into these as well as the size of the bites you are taking to best avoid a chipped tooth.

Non-Food Items

Some of the major things that can cause chipped teeth are not food items at all believe it or not! We use our teeth for more than just chewing food. Opening packages in a pinch, biting tape, or even habits like nail biting or biting a pen cap. All of these things can cause a tooth to chip or a crown to break. Teeth are meant to chew food, not pen caps or plastic wrapping! You may be trying to open a candy bar and slip and crunch your teeth together causing a chip. Habits are hard to break, but breaking a habit like nail biting can help you in more ways than one!

If you do happen to chip a tooth or break a crown, contact Lindner Dental today for immediate dental repair!


Teaching Kids to Floss Properly

We continue to stress the importance of flossing to the overall health of your teeth and gums. Flossing allows you to reach those areas in your mouth and between your teeth that a toothbrush cannot. It breaks up plaque and bacteria buildup that if not treated can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other serious oral health issues.

It is necessary to stress the importance of flossing to children starting at a young age. If you can get children in the habit of flossing daily from a young age, they will thank you later on, and so will their teeth! Flossing can be tricky for some young children so follow these quick steps to make sure children are flossing properly!

Flossing Technique

  1. If you’re using a standard roll of floss, span out about a foot of floss and wrap the floss tightly around pointer fingers.
  2. Keeping the floss tight, push it through each gap of teeth moving back and forth covering the entire space between your teeth.
  3. It is imperative to be gentle but thorough, make sure you get down into the gum line because that is where much of the disease-causing bacteria may be hiding.
  4. When you have finished with a section of tooth, cleaning it properly, pull the floss up out of the gap between the teeth while also gently continuing to move it back and forth.
  5. The reason for using a long strand of floss is because you may get food particles stuck to the floss, so you can use the extra clean floss to clean the next section of the tooth.


Sit down with your children and show them how to properly floss! Flossing can actually be fun because you can see the food particles coming loose and you know you’re doing a great job cleaning your teeth! Teach children how to floss properly so they can always smile bright with confidence! Contact Lindner Dental for flossing tips or to schedule an appointment!